Shannon Smith
Board Member
Email: shannon.smith@bellevueschools.
RN at Erie Shores Surgery Center
RN, BSN, Licensed Cosmetologist
Years of Board Service:
1 year
Why did you want to serve as a board member?
I wanted to be a voice for our students,
teachers, and community members. I was at a point in my life where I wanted to give
back to our school system in a positive way.
Other Activities: (hobbies, club, organizations)
I enjoy spending time with my husband
Adam, two kids Ethan and Reese, my dog Axl, and my friends. I love watching my kids
compete in sports and extracurricular activities. In addition to working as a PACU nurse,
I also do hair on the side.
Favorite part of serving on the Board:
This position is extremely rewarding. Being part
of selecting our new Superintendent has been one of the highlights of this position.